Mar 1, 2010

i heart faces: week 9 “Hilarious outtakes”

                                                    My brother Ryan is always good for laughs!

I_Heart_Faces_Photography_125                                                                                              Click on the link for more hilarious pictures!


                   Ryan_Outake Ryan_Outake 1

                   Ryan_Outake 2 Ryan_Outake 3

About Me

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I love God, my family, spending time with my friends, reading a good book, riding my horses, showing my cows, walking in the grass with my bare feet, watching a sunset or sunrise, listening to birds chirp and the wind blow, a good nap, taking pictures, corn on the cob, a cold glass of milk, quiet time, laughing, singing really loud just to annoy my brothers, playing with photoshop, the fair, ripe tomatoes with lots of salt and pepper, playing with my kitten, and just enjoying life.

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