Mar 27, 2010


A sad thing happened on Thursday. My cow, Aurora, died.  She was due to calve the 9th of April, but something went wrong. she suffered a severe torsion (twisting of the uterus) and there were three different tears in her uterus. Her calf had died and had gotten so bloated that it burst through her unhealthy uterus wall. The vet did a C-section to remove the calf and sew up her uterus. He said she was a pretty tough cow to live as  long as she did. The dead calf was essentially poisoning her. Part of it was protruding from her uterus and the fluid from the uterus had spilled into her body cavity. We did our very best to try and save her, but she died that night.

Aurora was a sweetie, very polite and friendly, and so well behaved.   We even won showmanship at the county fair last year. She was my favorite heifer to show, she knew exactly how to hold her head up and responded to the littlest cues I gave her. I enjoyed showing her at county and State Fair last year and was hoping to show her again this year. She was also special because I owned her and she was my first bred and owned animal that I showed. I miss her, but losing cows is part of farming, just as losing loved ones is part of life. There is a time for everything.

I am looking forward to the birth of her siblings in April. Maybe one of them will look just like her!


                     Aurora & Danae-3       08 Cty Fair_Danae & Aurora-14



08 Cty Fair_Danae & Aurora-7




aurora & danae


ywaya March 28, 2010 at 6:10 AM  

So sad to loose such an loved animal. May The Almighty provide a replacement. Beautiful photos you have there, I will follow up your blog. I am also a dairy farmer keeping four Ayrshires in a Zero grazing stall, though I imagine in Kenya we are far behind in our management system but we are learning. Thanks and keep it up.

M. Ywaya.


Anonymous March 29, 2010 at 6:18 PM  

ohohoho I can't belive that I won't see her a the fair. She was very sweet and looking at the pictures remind me of her.I can't belive how you will ever forget her you were so close to her.
I'll miss her forever

About Me

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I love God, my family, spending time with my friends, reading a good book, riding my horses, showing my cows, walking in the grass with my bare feet, watching a sunset or sunrise, listening to birds chirp and the wind blow, a good nap, taking pictures, corn on the cob, a cold glass of milk, quiet time, laughing, singing really loud just to annoy my brothers, playing with photoshop, the fair, ripe tomatoes with lots of salt and pepper, playing with my kitten, and just enjoying life.

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