Mar 12, 2010

fix-it friday #47

This week's photo, which was sent to us by Amy Pinney, is proof positive that many, many photos are fixable and we can save many precious moments even if they are taken in less-than-perfect circumstances.

Amy wrote: "The photo I'm submitting is one of my daughter watching her Grandpa play Pinball. It's very closely cropped to include just her face and arms propped on the machine, which you can only see enough of to know what it is. I'm very interested to see what the I Heart Faces team can do with it!"

Fix-It Friday #47 Fix-It Friday #47_version 3  Here’s the original photo on the left and my fix on the right. The first thing I did was adjust Levels, then I cloned out the dark arm? in the left corner and cropped the photo. I dodged a bit under the girl’s eyes and then I increased the saturation.



Jeannine March 12, 2010 at 10:56 AM  

Nice fix.

Sarah K - Sentiments by Sarah March 12, 2010 at 12:03 PM  

only milked cows one year of my life but it was a great experience - you did a fabulous job on the edit.

Frogmum March 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM  

Fantastic edit ~ nice work! :D

jonahbonah March 13, 2010 at 4:53 PM  

nice edit! i love that you took a picture that i would have deleted and made it a framable piece of work!

About Me

My photo
I love God, my family, spending time with my friends, reading a good book, riding my horses, showing my cows, walking in the grass with my bare feet, watching a sunset or sunrise, listening to birds chirp and the wind blow, a good nap, taking pictures, corn on the cob, a cold glass of milk, quiet time, laughing, singing really loud just to annoy my brothers, playing with photoshop, the fair, ripe tomatoes with lots of salt and pepper, playing with my kitten, and just enjoying life.

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